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Virtual Phone System
- Open a web browser and go to phone.rosettatelecom.com. You’ll need to enter your username and password. If you forget your password then click on the Forgotten your password link.
- First of all, please note that we charge for regular extensions so creating a new extension will add another charge to your account.
In your virtual phone system control panel, click on the Extensions menu item and then the Extensions button.
If you want to add a physical extension that will make and receive calls then click on Regular. Enter a three digit extension number or accept the suggested one and give it a name e.g. My extension. Now click on Next and then Confirm.
To create a virtual extension, click on Virtual. Enter a 3 digit number, a name, e.g. my mobile, and enter the number that you want to send calls to. Now click on Next and then Confirm. - You can connect more than one device to your extension which allows you to use the same extension number on your desk phone and on your mobile phone using an app.
To connect a device, go to Extensions and click on your extension number. Click on Connected devices and Connect a device.
At the top you will see the username, secret and server address that you will need to setup your extension. Below that you will see some links to some software solutions which you can use to connect to your phone system. We recommend Zoiper for most uses as there is a free version as well as a premium version. If you need any help setting up your device then get in touch. - When you click on your extension you will see a number of other options and here’s what they’re for.
Outgoing caller ID – You can select which number your extension uses for outbound calls, if you have more than one. You can also set it to Anonymous to hide your number.
Ring timeout – This is how long your extension rings before going to the next link e.g. voicemail.
Call recording – If set to Always it will record all your calls. If you choose On demand you can start recording at any time by pressing *1 on your handset. Obviously Disabled will not record your calls!
Call waiting – Means that if a call come sin when you are using the phone you will hear a notification.
Forwarding Rules – These are where you can programme how to deal with calls that are not answered. There is a separate article about call forwarding.
Voicemail settings – This is where you control voicemail for this extension. You can switch it on and off, set the access PIN, set the email address to forward emails to and select what information is included with the email.
Remove an extension – If you really want to delete an extension then click on the cog wheel icon at the top right of your extension page and select Remove Phone Extension. This cannot be undeleted and you will lose the extension, any voicemails and recordings so make sure you really want to do this! - Call forwarding lets you control what happens to calls when they arrive at your extension. You can create multiple rules to achieve your desired aim.
To setup call forwarding, click on your extension and Forwarding Rules at the bottom.
Click on Add to create a new rule or on an existing rule to change it. Here are the options with a description.
During time interval – Defines when the rule is used e.g. all the time or only during public holidays.
If call status is – When to apply the rule. All the time, when the extension is busy, when the call is unanswered or when the call fails for some reason. If set to All the time then the rule will be followed whether the extension is in use or not. You might want to set this to busy and then forward the calls to another number.
Action – What to do with the call if the rule matches. This could be Forward to another number, Follow me to another number (similar to forwarding) or Send to voicemail.
To – Used for forwarding the call to another extension.
Apply to queue/group calls – If selected then calls received via groups and queues will also follow these rules. This is not normal as it is customary to obey the rules of the queue not the extension.
Preserve caller ID – Passes the original caller ID across when forwarding the call.
Enable call screening – Used for forwarding calls to an external number. It will ask you to confirm you want the call before connecting you. This can be useful to stop externally forwarded calls being picked up by the voicemail on your mobile.
Apply to external calls only – You might not want to forward internal calls to your mobile so selecting this option will mean that only calls from outside get processed by this rule.
Assigned key – This is a unique key which can be used to switch the rule on and off (prefixed by *74). For example, you might create a rule that diverts all calls to your mobile. You could then use the shortcode to switch that diversion on and off by dialing e.g *741 for rule 1.
Once you have saved the rule you can switch it on and off by clicking on the icon on the left or delete it by clicking on the bin on the right.