Testimonial from Hampshire Financial Planning Ltd
23-08-2020 by Mike Cox
“Our office set up has been handled by Rosetta Group for the last 6 years and they have been brilliant at working with us to maximise the efficiency of our business as it has grown in size and numbers. Sue … Read more
How your phone system can help you work from home
22-04-2020 by Mike Cox
Some simple tips to help you get the most from your phone system while you’re not in the office.… Read more
Rosetta Telecom – Custom phone systems
20-01-2020 by Mike Cox
Most people have heard about the move away from traditional phone services and towards a web based offering (VoIP, internet telephony, virtual phone systems). However, not every business fits the web based model where features are provided that meet the … Read more
Saving money for a one person business
27-11-2019 by Mike Cox
We were approached by a lady who runs a business from home in a converted office. Her office was supplied with a traditional BT analogue phone line and broadband over the same connection. Only a few yards away was her … Read more
How a virtual phone system can help your business be more flexible, efficient and resilient
24-10-2019 by admin
Well it sounds like quite a title for a blog post but this was the title for a talk Mike was asked to give for a group of business men and women organised by Vectis Business Link at the Ryde Castle Hotel on Tuesday.… Read more
Custom Phone Servers
21-10-2019 by Mike Cox
Our customer is a business and residential internet and phone provider with several existing phone servers and switches. These are all networked through multiple providers for redundancy and least cost routing purposes. We were approached to design and build a … Read more
Rosetta Telecom – Virtual Phone System
10-07-2019 by Mike Cox
Our virtual phone system can help your business to be more flexible, efficient and save money. #rosettatelecom… Read more
New supported handsets
25-06-2019 by admin
The Rosetta Telecom system lets you use any SIP compatible handset but we specifically support a range of phones. You can see more about them in our shop. We’ve always recommended Grandstream phones as they are good quality but not … Read more
GDPR and what we’re doing
25-06-2019 by admin
You really must have heard about GDPR and what effect it is having on businesses. If not, I urge you to do some searching! This post is to tell you what we are doing at Rosetta Telecom. First of all, … Read more