There are a large number of phone providers around these days so how can you choose between them? Why should you choose Rosetta Telecom instead of anyone else?
Well for starters we are small enough to care about our customers’ needs. We aren’t some big multinational conglomerate that is only interested in profit and doesn’t want to adapt its systems to meet customers’ requirements. We are a team of people who can be contacted by email or on the phone to talk through your (telephony) needs or to help solve a problem. We are also happy to recommend alternative suppliers if we can’t provide what you need.
Our easy to use cloud phone system is custom built by us to provide the functionality that most users want. This includes voicemail, call recording, ring groups, time condition switches and many other features. We can also add other functions just for you by entering custom code for those unusual requirements. As we built the system we can make it do what you need instead of expecting you to change your business model to fit the phone system and we can even help you set up your system.
Reliability is key to our architecture and our system is spread across multiple servers in different datacentres so you should always have a connection. We connect to the public phone system in three different locations and your phone handset will be connected to two of our servers at once. Of course we can’t control your internet connection but we do our best to make sure you can make and receive calls when you want to.
If cost is your primary concern then our systems start from as little as £5 a month plus VAT and we only require a minimum of 3 months before you can move your phone numbers away if you really don’t want to stay with us! Once you have a system with us you can grow it as your business expands so you should never need to worry about the hassle of moving to a new supplier.
If your customers could do with this sort of service then why not enquire about our reseller programme as you can introduce new users and receive an ongoing commission on their invoices leaving us to worry about all the support and invoicing.
Finally, if a cloud phone system doesn’t appeal to you then we can install an onsite phone system and connect it to our cloud system or to your existing landlines or ISDN. We can even connect it to the GSM network so you might save money on making mobile calls.
To find out more about why you should choose Rosetta Telecom, give us a call on 01983 22 23 24.